Todd Young

Rosum Corporation

TV: Location Without GPS
18 minutes, 8.3mb, recorded 2005-06-29
Todd Young
Location information is becoming increasingly essential for emergency services, security tracking, and a host of other applications. Quite simply, knowing where we are is important. GPS has already brought many changes to our understanding of orientation and logistics, but its reach does not extend indoors or into dense urban canyons where location based services could bring great benefits.

In this presentation, Todd Young describes a solution to this problem. He represents Rosum Corporation, a company that has developed a way to use unmodified broadcast TV signals for positioning in these places where GPS often fails. These signals penetrate buildings and are already available worldwide.

This critically useful technology is the result of work by Dr. James Spilker, the co-architect of GPS, and Dr. Matthew Rabinowitz, an expert in high-precision navigation systems. It has the potential to revolutionize location positioning and provide a base for the development of helpful new services.

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Todd Young is Director of Product and Business Development at Rosum Corporation. Young's industry experience includes management, marketing, and engineering roles at Palm Inc, Ford Motor Company, where he managed the development of a joint Ford/Mazda IT strategy (in Hiroshima), and Bell Laboratories, where he coordinated a quarter-billion-dollar joint software development program with NTT (in Tokyo).

His entrepreneurial experience includes founding Young Learning and a marketing role at Inktomi. Young holds an MBA from the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley, a Master's Degree in Computer Science from Cornell, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University, Summa Cum Laude. Young lived in Japan for five years coordinating joint technology development and is fluent in Japanese.


This presentation is one of a series from the Where 2.0 Event held in Westin St. Francis, San Francisco, June 29-30, 2005.

For Team ITC:

This free podcast is from our Where Conference series.