The Gillmor Gang

October 2, 2004
60 minutes, 27.5mb, recorded 2004-10-02
Topics: Media Podcasting
Recorded live at Gnomedex 4.0, the Gang digs into audioblogging and podcasting. What's it all about? Is it a fad, a future trend, or here today and to stay? And what about the state of RSS? Is there too much content, a glut of information? Today's Gillmor Gang includes:

Steve Gillmor, ZDNet
Dan Gillmor, San Jose, Mercury News
Chris Pirillo, Lockergnome
Jason Calacanis,
Robert Scoble, Microsoft
Nick Bradbury, FeedDemon

Thanks to the sponsors who made our coverage of Gnomedex 4.0 possible:

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]

This free podcast is from our The Gillmor Gang series.