The Gillmor Gang

September 24, 2004
67 minutes, 31.1mb, recorded 2004-09-24

The Gillmor Gang

Scott Rafer

Stephen Shankland

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group
Michael Vizard, editor-in-chief, CRN Magazine

This week The Gang tackles a little bit of everything. Sun announced CPU time on demand, but where's the real opportunity? Is it for loosely coupled systems? For remotely hosted on-demand Windows?

Technology is advancing fastest for consumers and SMBs, so is that the best place to try new ideas? The iPod platform is suddenly taking off including RSS integration. Does this portend something for the enterprise?

Joining The Gang this week are guests Scott Rafer, president and CEO of Feedster, and Stephen Shankland, senior staff writer at CNET

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]

This free podcast is from our The Gillmor Gang series.