Lewis Shepherd

Senior Technical Officer, Defense Intelligence Agency

Jon Udell's Interviews with Innovators
38 minutes, 17.8mb, recorded 2007-08-02
Lewis Shepherd

As senior technical officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency and chief of its requirements and research group, Lewis Shepherd has promoted and observed a remarkable transformation that's occurring inside the U.S. intelligence community as analysts begin to embrace Web 2.0 practices. There's a long way to go. But already thousands of analysts are contributing to Intellipedia, an internal system based on the same software that powers Wikipedia. And a vibrant internal blogging culture has evolved too.

In this conversation, Jon Udell and Lewis Shepherd discuss the origins, progress, and future of these initiatives. They also discuss broader IT efforts within the Department of Defense: service-oriented architecture, consolidation and virtualization, and the relationship between informal Web 2.0 and formal "Web 3.0" approaches to the semantic Web.

Lewis Shepherd leads R&D for next generation technological solutions for the Defense Intelligence enterprise comprising DIA and the Department of Defense Intelligence Community, which represents a combined budget in excess of $1 billion per year. He is responsible for information management strategic planning and serves as the senior consultant for DIA and DoD Intelligence Community technology needs, overseeing business case analyses and evaluating technology investments across the community.


This free podcast is from our Jon Udell's Interviews with Innovators series.

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