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IT Conversations
Executive Producer

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Like public radio and television in the U.S., The Conversations Network depends on memberships and donations from listeners to sustain its operations. Also like public radio, our paid membership is entirely optional. It costs as little as $5 per month ($2.50 for students) and is a significant portion of our funding. Join.

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If you and 99 other people donate...

  • $250 -- We can launch a new audio channel.
  • $120 -- We can produce a weekly series for a full year.
  • $50 -- We can publish an entire conference.
  • $25 -- We can deliver an audio program to 700,000 listeners.


The Conversations Network is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation and a section 501(c)(3) public charity under the Internal Revenue Code, contributions to which are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.