Opening Move with Scott Mace

Scott is senior technology editor at HealthLeaders Media, read by 40,000 healthcare executives throughout the United States. Previously, he wrote and organized Internet-related conferences for Penton Media. Before a stint at Byte Magazine, he was a senior editor at InfoWorld, ran the networking test center team, served as Washington D.C. bureau chief, covered database management and education beats, and wrote the first weekly column on computer games. He also wrote features for NurseWeek, as well as columns for Boardwatch, Personal Computing, and inCider. He lives in Berkeley, California, where he also writes the Scott Mace on Healthcare and Calendar Swamp weblogs and serves on the board of directors of CalConnect, the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium.

This page shows 51 to 55 of 55 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | Older>>

Timothy Cook - Open Source in Health Care

At Medinfo 2004, Scott Mace talked with Timothy Cook, chair of the Open Source Working Group of the American Medical Informatics Associaton (AMIA). Health care, particularly primary care, stands to gain much from adopting open source software. Listen to Tim discuss the areas where open source will be adopted fastest, a recent award-willing project, privacy and security issues, and standards and interoperability concerns.

Mike Milinkovich - Eclipse

What started three years ago as an open-source integrated development environment for Java is today a thriving programmer community reaching well beyond its roots. At JavaOne, Scott Mace talked with Eclipse Foundation Executive Director Mike Milinkovich. Listen to Mike discuss the origins of Eclipse, what's new in Eclipse 3.0, and the Eclipse perspective on the Java Community Process.

Marc Fleury - JBoss

JBoss married J2EE to an open source business model and came up with something that revitalized the enterprise Java world. Scott Mace talked with JBoss Founder, Chairman and CEO Marc Fleury at JavaOne. Listen to Marc's views on the push to open source Java, the importance of aspect-oriented programming, rich Internet clients, and much more.

Steve Wilson - NetBeans

Every time Sun Microsystems explains why it won't join the Eclipse Foundation, it points to its own its open source integrated development environment for Java, NetBeans. What makes NetBeans special? At JavaOne, Scott Mace talked with Steve Wilson, Sun's director of engineering for NetBeans. Hear Steve explain the roots of NetBeans, recent JavaOne announcements, and Sun's take on Eclipse.

Bob Sutor - JavaOne

Scott Mace cornered this high-visibility IBM evangelist at JavaOne 2004, where they discussed enhancements to the IBM developerWorks web site, Eclipse 3.0, the future of Java, Linux lock-in, and what Bob refers to as the blurring of clients and servers.
This page shows 51 to 55 of 55 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | Older>>